Baby carrier or baby sling, what to choose?
At Firmaman, we always try to find innovative products that are good for the baby but also for the mom and dad.
Already 25 years ago, I participated in a sling carrying workshop and was won over by the process and the benefits on babies. Despite the 3 hours of workshop to convince us that the babies carried would be more intelligent than the others, the scarves proposed, striped bayadères, were a little too “baba cool” for my taste.
But let's skip this aesthetic detail, I was convinced and took the plunge by ordering these hippie-looking scarves for my store for a Parisian clientele not really in the mood...
Despite my efforts and my arguments, customers were afraid because with woven cotton slings, you had to hold your baby while handling a 4 meter long sling while tying a knot: not easy especially with a newborn (even if this process requires a certain dexterity, woven cotton scarves are by far the most comfortable for those who want or have to carry their children up to one year or more, but that's a whole different story).
Quickly, a French brand, Je Porte Mon Bébé, worn by Karen and her husband, developed a stretch cotton scarf allowing you to tie the scarf and then place your baby in it from birth. This brand, which we still distribute and which is now called Love Radius, has contributed greatly to the democratization of sling carrying in France. It stood out for its educational approach, its workshops and its very high quality products. It also continued to develop by offering a physiological baby carrier with a trendy look (the hoodie carrier)
and has just made headlines again with an ultra innovative changing bag. You will soon discover it at Firmaman.
But even today, young parents do not dare to take the plunge of the baby sling. Often, they buy it or have one lent to them, then "keep it on hand just in case" until, on yet another evening of crying, they say to themselves: let's try it all. for everything!!! But it doesn't work like that. Everyone is tense, the baby like the parents and the scarf often ends up in the back of the cupboard. Tsss tsss tsss tsss.
Some brands have positioned themselves on the already tied sling but most of the time, this type of sling was not suitable from birth and the position was not physiological for the newborn.
This was without taking into account the imagination and creativity of Véronique Seigle, creator of the Mama Hangs brand, whose motivation was to create a perfect mix between slings and baby carriers, simpler to put in place while respecting the physiology of the baby. baby, wearer ergonomics, comfort, safety and style. After several months of research and design, Véronique was able to develop a range of unique and super innovative baby carrier clothing. At Firmaman, we fell for the Carry and Pack baby carrier and the carrying hoodie.
The carry and pack baby carrier , from birth to 10 kilos, is practical and so easy to use: just put it on and you are ready to welcome your baby close to you, right from the start. birth !! A real revolution.
We also fell for the babywearing hoodie , popular with moms but also and especially with dads because yes, they too love the feeling of having their baby close to them, of feeling their warmth and presence against their heart.
Mama Hangs babywearing clothes have been tested and approved by early childhood professionals for whom physiology and ergonomics are essential to guarantee carrying with multiple benefits.
Now you will no longer be able to say that you are afraid!!!!!!
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